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Application for Admission

Preliminary Application (Step 1)
Final Application (Step 2)
Request for Tuition Assistance
Mailing Address for Application

Are you surprised that a "fill-in-the-blanks" form is not provided? Please don't be. Your ability to follow these directions, to organize your application, and to express yourself in the English language is your first test of your qualification to study at MLI on a graduate level.

Preliminary Application (Step 1)
This two-step application procedure is intended to allow us to screen your general qualifications for admission without putting you to the initial trouble of sending us your transcripts, recommendations, diploma copies, signature, etc. Send us your preliminary application either by email or postal mail. The Admissions Committee will screen your application, decide whether you can be admitted in the current year, and respond to you either by email or postal mail as you request. Use the outline and format below to construct your application: [Return to Top of Page]

1. Your name (including middle name or initial).
2. Your present address, country and postal code.
3. Your permanent address, country and postal code.
4. Your telephone number along with full area code.
5. Email address(es).
6.Date of birth.
7. Marital status, name of spouse, and names and ages of children (if applicable).
8. Your occupation(s).
9. The name, address, and telephone numbe of the local congregation or church to which you belong. Indicate the rabbi's or pastor's name, and write a brief description of the congregation's doctrinal stance and theology.
10. Program and Degree for which admission is sought .
11. Details of your Academic Qualifications. Give a general description of courses, degrees earned, institutions attended, years of graduation, and a general overview of your grades (The specifics of your academic background will appear in your transcripts that will be forwarded during the next application phase).
12. What is your motivation to embark on your proposed course of study? How do you intend to use your education and degree if obtained?
13. How much time per week can you devote to study?
14. Do you have regular access to a theological or ministry library? If so, which one?
15. Do you own or have reglar access to a Windows-operated computer? If so, can it connect to the Internet? Can it read CDs? DVDs?
16. Have you selected a local mentor who has agreed to oversee your education at MLI? If so, please give his or her name, address, telephone number, title and positions in ministry and/or education, and qualifications as you understand them.
17. Are you "born again" as defined by Scripture? If so, please write an account of your salvation committment and experience.
18. What is your first language? Secondary languages? Your level of proficiency in English?
19. Have you ever conducted research in ministry or theology? If so, please describe it.
20. Have you ever written any books, articles or papers? If so, please list them.
21. Do you have any experience in ministry? If so, please provide details.
22. Please provide a several-page sample of your writing style in the English language. Any subject will suffice.
23. Have you read the statements of MLI's faith and doctrines? Are you in agreement? If not, please indicate with what you do not agree.
24. Please provide the names of, and your relationship with, three persons from whom you will request letters of recommendation.
25. MLI is recognized as a religious institution of learning by the State of Florida, and is authorized to grant specified academic degrees pursuant to Florida's religious exemption law. That notwithstanding, MLI has neither applied for, nor has it received accreditation from any accrediting body. Please acknowledge your awareness of this fact.
26. Please provide any other information or make any requests that you want the Admissions Committee to consider. [Return to Top of Page]

Final Application (Step 2)
After you have submitted your Prelimianary Application and have received provisional approval from the Admissions Committee, the following items must be submitted by postal mail:

1. Original transcripts from each post-secondary school attended.
2. A photo copy or duplicate of each degree or post-secondary diploma earned.
3. Copies of all books, articles and papers you have written.
4. Letters of reference from the three persons named in Item #24 of the Preliminary Application.

Upon receipt of the above items, the Admissions Committee will consider your combined application (Steps 1 & 2) and inform you of its decision. If you receive an invitation to study at MLI, we will then communicate with your proposed local mentor to evaluate his or her qualifications to serve in that role. [Return to Top of Page]

Request for Tuition Assistance
Messianic Life Institute has a limited ability to provide students with financial assistance in the form of tuition reductions. If such assistance is needed, the prospective student should state it in the Preliminary (Step 1) Application, explain the level of the need, and certify that assistance has already been sought from his or her family and congregation. If the need for assistance arises at a later time, it should be made known during any course registration. [Return to Top of Page]

Mailing Address for Application
Mail your Preliminary and Final Applications to:
Office of the Registrar
Messianic Life Institute
2603 NW 13th Street #322
Gainesville, Florida 32609

You may view MLI's web site at http://www.MessianicLife.org,and communicate with the Dean, Dr. Michael Rudolph, at the above postal address, at Dean@MessianicLife.org,or by calling his cell phone at 240-460-0799.

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